Brought to you by Howard Sheckter
Quick Shot of Warm Advection Moisture for the High Country Today followed by strong transitory Upper Anti-Cyclone mid-week for some warm weather……both 00z and 12z Monday’s GFS has energy out of phase coming off Asia later this week into next weekend so Dweebs leaning toward splitting Trof scenario Saturday….for Central Ca….ATM…..
Monday October 10, 2011
The Dweebs came back yesterday to find lots of snow at Mammoth Weather on the ground…../now back in action this week from a nice vacation……
At the moment we have a warm air advection pattern in process that may bring a few light showers this afternoon into the evening hours. Most of the deep moisture is well to our north so not a big deal. Main idea is for a large but transitory upper high to bring heavy dose of Indian Summer weather to the high country Tuesday through Friday with highs well into the 60s or 70?….before split flow pattern develops into the weekend. Although the ECMWF has a vigorous trof moving into the high country Friday night…..the Dweebs are not buying into this scenario at this time…….as upper flow coming off Asia is out of phase or a bit split by mid week and into the weekend. This will have the effect of weakening the strong upper trof advertised by the ECMWF for Saturday by splitting and cutting it off well off the Ca coast.
The Weekend outlook at this time looks cooler and breezy than this mid-week with a lot of clouds.
Strong MJO still working into Western Hemi into Phase 8. This also is somewhat supportive of a splitting pattern next weekend and beyond. Mjo is being forecasted strongly into phase 1 early next week. Supportive of Western Atlantic hurricane enhancement.
The Dweeber…………..:-)
Reference Glossary of Weather Terms
Disclaimer: I have been a hobbyist meteorologist for over 30 years here in the Mammoth area and I do this for my personal enjoyment. The National Weather Service saves lives every day . . . I do not. When making important planning decisions please use information provided by the National Weather Service as they are the most knowledgeable and accurate information source available today.