Upper Trof to Split with Southern Center to Swing Through Southern Ca Sunday/Ngt….Snow to Wrap Back Into Mammoth Sunday Afternoon into Monday AM

Quick Sunday Am Update:

Snow developing by late morning here in Mammoth with snow likely this afternoon into the evening hours…

2 to 5 inches expected by Monday morning in town and 4 to as much as 8 inches over the upper elevations….

Chance of snow showers Monday Am.

The outlook next week is unsettled with periods of snow showers most days….

Saturday Morning Update:

Not much has changed in the overall forecast for precipitation other than to push back the main snowfall to Sunday night/Monday AM.

The upper trof will split into two centers with the Southern Low Center the one to be responsible for the majority of Mammoth’s precip as it swings through Southern Ca Sunday into Monday AM.

“Late Sunday afternoon into early Monday”, appears to be the best time for snowfall for Mammoth. However, we could start getting some flurries or showers anytime Saturday afternoon or night.  No measurable precipitation is expected until Sunday AM at the earliest.   Amounts still look good with somewhere between .5 and 1.0 inches of precip in the form of snowfall….. so between 5 and 10 inches of snow is possible on Mammoth Mountain By Monday PM.


The Dweeber…..

Reference Glossary of Weather Terms
Disclaimer: I have been a hobbyist meteorologist for over 30 years here in the Mammoth area and I do this for my personal enjoyment. The National Weather Service saves lives every day . . . I do not. When making important planning decisions please use information provided by the National Weather Service as they are the most knowledgeable and accurate information source available today.