Brought to you by Howard Sheckter
Archive for January, 2018
Ridging Locked in over the Far West will insure a fair dry week….The Triple Crown of Lunar Eclispes is schedueled for Wednesday Morning over Mammoth Lakes….
Monday January 29, 2018
For you lunar-tics 😉 out there….The Triple Crown for this Astronomical Event is scheduled for this Wednesday AM the 31st. The following link with tell you why this is so special, and worth getting up for earlier than you normally would before going to work that morning.
For Mammoth Lakes:
Forecast Summery;
I have covered in detail in my last post on why in my opinion, this winter is so dry compared to last year. Again in my opinion, it will most likely be one of the dryer winters on record. However, as we get “toward” March, some of the forces driving this dry winter will begin to break-down. So, there is a good possibility that precipitation will again move back into Northern and Central CA, much later in February and especially March and early April. It may even be a “Miracle March” this year!
Expect Late Spring and Summer weather to arrive earlier this year followed by a warmer than normal Summer.
Dr Howard and the Dweebs…………………….:-)