Cyclonic Flow continues today over the Great Basin with a slight up-slope component….Thus a few isolated showers are still possible early this week…..Another Trof affects the area Wednesday and Thursday….

Cyclonic flow continues over the region this morning as the associated upper low remains situated over the Great Basin. While the models show only a slight eastward progression of the upper low, areas of unstable air, will continue will rotate around the upper low and cross the Sierra Nevada today. Afternoon clouds and isolated showers will remain in forecast both today Monday and Tuesday. The showers will be mainly diurnally driven, and so cloudiness will dissipate each evening and night…. For the remainder of the week, there is another Trof that will affect the area, bringing cooling, wind and the chance of showers Wednesday and Thursday. However, with that said, the trough appears to be pretty moisture starved and so not looking forward to much more than a few hundred’s of an inch.

Longer Range;  The new 12Z GFS brings dry breezy weather over the area for this coming weekend. The Trof this time does not dig south. Rather it remains in the pacific NW. So dry warm weather is expected for the 1st weekend of June.  Of mention, we still have no real ridging in the week two outlook; The pattern is progressive.  This means that although no significant weather is in the Dweebs outlook for week 2, (First week of June) it would not need to change much to bring a system capable of precipitation back into the Eastern Sierra then.


Temp forecast for Mammoth:


 Mammoth Lakes
      /70    39/72    41/69    38/61    31/68    39/67    44/69