Brought to you by Howard Sheckter
Archive for April, 2023

After a chilly Thursday, a warmup is expected over the weekend before another spring trough visits our area early next week…..No major storms on the horizon………
Thursday April 13, 2023
Global models this AM continuing to forecast periods of warming, cooling, periods of wind and periods of snow showers for Mono County the next few weeks. No major snow producing storms are in the forecast for Mono County.
Thursday’s weather system is now in the Rockies and high pressure aloft is building in today into Saturday. A warming trend is under way today with highs in the 40s vs yesterday’s upper 30s. Highs will jump into the low 50s on Saturday and a resumption of the great thaw of 2023 will return this weekend. However, being that this is April, there will be plenty of cool spells that will alternate with our warm spells. A pattern of warmth on weekends followed by cooler weather during the week seems to be the way the weather will trend. Winds will be the “lightest” tomorrow Saturday for Owens Valley while highs will return to the low 70s. On Sunday, both Mono County and Inyo County will experience more wind. However, high temperatures will warm further as well. The wind on Sunday is the harbinger of more trofing next week that will bring a good 15 degrees of cooling to our high county by the following Tuesday. Highs in Mammoth will cool to the mid-30s with teens returning by Wednesday AM. There may be snow showers, especially on Tuesday AM and again Thursday. This pattern is highlighted by the forecast of the upper jet axis remaining mostly north of Mammoth. This ensures that most of the precip will be Tahoe Northward next week. The Northwest Jet is a pain in the @##. Upper convergence favoring the Central Sierra often makes for pesky winds, and these are likely to be with us, on and off, Monday through Thursday next week. At this time, the remains of this pattern may push through by next Friday, leaving a calm warmer weekend for the 22nd.
Don’t forget about the Lyrid Meteor Shower; (late evening to dawn on the nights of April 21-22 and 22-23)
Dr Howard and the Dweebs…………………..:-)
Its Springtime in the high country and Spring Trofs will continue to progress through the west coast, until Summer Arrives. Wind….Showers and cooling will alternate with warm periods as well. Although a moderate MJO is getting ready to pass through the infamous phase 7/8 into phase 8, now that it’s Mid-April, the most significant influences will most likely be up into the Pacific NW. This also includes any significant Atmospheric River action. This is not to say we could not get a meaningfull snowstorm before the end of April and even May. However, it is unlikely that we will experience anything like this past winter.
The MJO of late February into March was almost off the charts in the RMM Phase 8 sector. (see graphics) This was instrumental to the many AR’s that affected CA this late Winter. It is a known fact to many inter-seasonal forecasters, that the Madden Julian Oscillation, can modulate the Westerlies in the right location and extend the East Asian Jet Stream well into the west coast and bring very wet weather to wherever it hits. In this case, it has been California. However, the media’s tout of 32 or 33 ARs this wet season is over blown.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at US San Diego’s intent, I believe, was not to create an over blown character to describe this winter’s series of AR’s. As an example, the AR 1 (weak) and AR 2 (Moderate) are not often Hugh storm producers for the Sierra. Also, one must remember, that you can get an AR of significance, however, without any dynamic lift, you do not get much more than light precipitation at best. It’s like the Monsoon moisture argument. You can get a strong monsoon surge of moisture and get little rainfall without dynamic lift. It is very important to remember that for the Sierra, the AR needs to be at least Category 3 or stronger for a major impact, as well as extend into the Sierra itself. Some of these smaller ARs barely made it to the coast this Spring, let alone through the Sierra. So, 32 ARs? Hype Hype!!! Scripps only puts out a notification of an AR when a Cat 3 or greater AR is expected. See and book mark this link for more information on the Atmospheric River.