Brought to you by Howard Sheckter
Mammoth Weather Outlook
Models This Evening Converging on One Nasty Blustry Storm for the High Country…..6 Feet of Wind and 2 to 4 inches of Snow over the Higher Elevations…..
Friday April 5, 2013
Looks like one more decent day Saturday before a strong NW jet comes into the picture Sunday with High Winds and chilly temps. Snow showers a good bet later in the day Sunday. But the big story with be the wind and cooling Sunday afternoon into the early AM hours Monday. Mondays highs will be in the 30s…… Winds over the crest over 100mph and these winds will come down in elevation significantly. Owens Valley south and east will get their share early next week……Hang in there!!!
Update Saturday AM.
The Dweeber………:-)